Friday, December 09, 2005

Welcome To My Blog

Wine is so much fun! Every grape, every region, every year is a new experience. When life is full of redundancy, you can pop open a bottle of wine that you’ve never had and enjoy a new experience. Drinking wine is different for so many people. Some cherish every sip, others pair their meals and their wine methodically, some just enjoy it as a nightcap to a long day, and others … well, they just like wine! I believe that wine doesn’t need to be about prestige, you drink what you like, and you drink what makes you happy. There is no rule on what draws us to certain wine, because what one person finds to be fine wine can be completely different from another’s idea of fine wine.

I like to savor my wine, write about it, describe it … I hope that by doing this, I can fulfill others needs by pairing them with the right wine. That is what my blog is all about. These are my notes, my experiences and my thoughts about the wine that I taste. I don’t rate the wine, because as I stated before, you may love something that I only like. We all have different tastes, so my description is all you will get. You can decide whether its description matches you to a particular bottle.

Buying wine from Yannitelli’s is always an interesting experience. Don has so much experience in Wine Retail that picking out a ‘bad’ wine at the shop is impossible. He’s a great buyer and our vast selection speaks well for his gift in selecting the best wine, the best vintage and the best value. You won’t find stock piled wine, from years before. We just don’t believe that it’s in our customer’s best interest. This store has been here since 1933 and has come to have a life of its own. Our role is to make sure that your experience is a pleasurable one, and that your selection fits your palate.

We look forward to seeing you at the wine shop!